Thursday, July 1, 2010

Our start!

Chancy and I have know one another for four years now! We met before his mission at our friend Whitney's apartment. He caught my eye right away! My eye caught his also! It was red, puffy and some nasty eye boogers kept coming out of it! I had pink eye. Chancy being the caring guy he is was tired of hearing me complain about it and so he took me to Walmart so we could get eye drops to help. As he puts it he was just giving us the perfect excuse to leave without anyone thinking anything about it. We had fun in Walmart we walked around, talked, and found our way to the toy section. He let me buy a kite and said I could fly it with him later. So me just being myself decided we could fly it out the sun roof of his truck on the way back to our friends apartment. I was surprised to find that he would let me do this! We had to keep the speed at about 15mph to keep the kite up! Quite the accomplishment considering all the stoplights in Mesa! From that night on we continued to hang out and go on dates. I for sure thought in the beginning that he had already been on a mission, come to find out he had not. I tried to stay away because I did not want to go through all that! I could tell he would be someone I could fall for very quickly but by the time I realized this I had already fallen for him, I could not walk away! We continued to date, until he was getting ready to send off his papers for his call, we then just tried to keep it as good friends, it was hard but we knew its what we had to do! He left Aug 29 2007 it was very hard for me. We wrote the entire 2 years. He was a good missionary though and did not write a ton! I had to keep him alive by re-reading letters and replaying memories in my mind the whole 2 years. He returned September 4th 2009 He came to my house the night he got home! He held my hand and got my heart racing! I did not sleep that night at all! The next night we met up at our friends wedding, I took him home after the reception. Along the way we stopped and talked it seemed that everything felt very right still. We dated for a month after he got home and then took me to the last place we were together alone before he left on his mission, the golf course right by the Snowflake temple that has a pond by it so you can see the temple reflecting in the water. The wind was blowing like a typical night in Snowflake about 45-50mph… haha! He was acting very nervous… He finally blurted out “Lets do this!” Got down on one knee and asked me if I would be his wife! It was very adorable and perfect! I married the man I knew I could not live without! He is my best friend and has been since the day I met him!

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